What You Need for Your First Ski Trip
Skiing is one of the best ways to spend your winter vacation. There’s nothing quite like the snow-covered view from the top of the hill or the rush you feel as you speed toward the bottom. However, a successful ski trip takes a lot of planning, especially if this is your first time venturing out onto the slopes. If you’re getting ready for your very first ski trip, you need to make sure you have all the right gear, clothing, accessories, and other essentials in your bags before you go. When you pack the right equipment, you can make your vacation memorable for all the right reasons. Here’s what you need for your first ski trip to be a safe and epic experience for everyone involved.
Skis and Poles
Let’s start with the obvious: if you’re going on a ski trip, you’re going to need skis. Fortunately, most destinations will have skis, poles, and other equipment available to rent. You want to use good quality skis that work well with your height and skill level. These can be pretty expensive, so renting for your first trip is a good idea. The staff at the resort or rental place will also have a vast knowledge about everything you need to ski. They’ll be able to help you find the perfect set of skis to get you through your trip. The rental staff can also help you figure out the bindings and other settings for your skis, so you can hit the slopes with equipment that fits you perfectly.
Ski Boots
All experienced skiers know the importance of a good pair of boots. Much like skis and poles, you can also rent your boots from the resort you’re visiting. However, ski boots rely on a personalized, comfortable fit. If you rent your boots, you might not be able to find a pair that fits well. That’s why we recommend buying your own. Besides, you might decide you love skiing and want to use them every year. Head into a ski shop, and don’t be afraid to ask for help finding the perfect size and type of boot for you. Make sure you’re wearing heavy, insulated socks whenever you try on ski boots. This will help you get a feel for how they fit with ski socks. For optimal comfort on the slopes, your ski boots should fit snugly without feeling too tight.
Helmet and Goggles
Skiing is an extreme sport, which is why proper safety gear is an essential part of everything you need to ski. You need to wear a sturdy helmet and goggles every time you hit the slopes. Even experienced skiers should wear a helmet when soaring down steep hills at high speeds. However, it’s particularly important for newbies to protect their heads, as the chance of falling is much higher when you’re first learning how to ski. Plus, a quality ski helmet will help keep your head and the rest of your body warm while you’re out in the snow and cold.
Goggles are another essential piece of safety gear for skiers. The sun can create a harsh, blinding glare as it bounces off packed snow and ice. You’re likely to experience a lot of snow during your trip, either falling from the sky or spraying up from your skis. This snow and ice can impede your vision if you aren’t wearing goggles. Make sure you have a high-quality pair of goggles that fit well with your helmet.
Ski Socks
Remember those ski socks we mentioned earlier? They’re another crucial part of your winter gear. Your feet and hands lose body heat quickly, so it’s important to wrap up with a good pair of thermal socks. In addition to trapping body heat, your socks should help transfer moisture, keeping your feet and boots dry. You may have heard that some people wear two pairs of socks in order to keep out the cold, but this isn’t a good idea if you’re hitting the slopes. Doubling up on socks can restrict your blood flow and make your boots too tight. Plus, they simply don’t insulate or wick moisture as well as ski socks.
Gloves or Mittens
Your hands and fingers also need special protection to stay warm in the cold. A sturdy, waterproof pair of gloves or mittens are a key part of what you need for your first ski trip. Some people prefer gloves for added dexterity, while others are okay with flexible mittens. As long as you can grip your ski poles, either option is great. Your gloves or mittens should fit well and provide insulation for your fingers throughout the day. If you’re prone to cold fingers, you can also slip in a heat pack or glove liner for extra warmth.
Layers, Layers, and More Layers
Dressing for cold weather means dressing in layers. You need a base layer, middle layer, and outer layer in order to stay truly warm and dry during your time outside. Invest in a good base layer, such as tights and a long sleeve shirt to help keep moisture away from your body. You can find men’s and women’s thermal base layer clothing in a wide range of fits, fabrics, and warmth to suit any temperature and activity.
The middle layer of clothing provides insulation and helps trap your body heat so you can stay warm all day long. The thickness of your middle layer depends on the kind of weather you’ll be facing. That said, it’s always a good idea to pack an extra sweater, fleece, or other option to add some extra warmth to your outfit.
Finally, you have the outer layer of clothing, which is responsible for keeping out wind, snow, and freezing temperatures. It’s important that your outer layer is waterproof to prevent snow, rain, and other conditions from seeping through your clothes and making you even colder. Invest in a good ski jacket and ski pants. These should fit comfortably but snugly, so you can move easily without worrying about wind or snow getting through the cuffs or collar.
Tools and Accessories
While having the right clothing is essential, there are plenty of accessories and supplies you should add to your list of everything you need to ski. It’s a good idea to bring along a small pack or backpack to hold your gear, especially if you plan on being out all day. Make sure you bring along lotion and lip balm to help combat the dry winter air you’ll find up in the mountains. Sunscreen is also a good idea. Even though it’s cold, the sun can still damage your skin, and no one wants a tan line around their goggles. Bandages and painkillers can help address minor aches or blisters and will keep you comfortable throughout the day. Finally, it’s a good idea to bring along an extra pair of gloves, a hat, or some handheld heating pads in case you need some extra warmth. Having these things on hand will make it easier to stay active and comfortable all day long, letting you enjoy as much time as you want out on the slopes.